As many of you will know, Julie and I have spent many years using our story and brand to help others overcome their fears and achieve their goals.
Through our books, short films and teachings, we have helped many people go on to great things, from Black Belts to Authors, Martial Art Champions to Public Speakers, it hasn’t always been easy, but it has always, always been worthwhile.
We now have the chance to spread our work even further and develop our brand to help more people through new books, films, talks and events. We have been speaking to one of the UK’s leading PR companies and they are impressed by our story and have agreed to represent us.
However, like most things, this will come at a price. It is after all, their business. We need to raise £1,500 to secure their services and having spoken to the main guy in the organisation, we are convinced these are the people for us. All we need is a bit of help from you guys to raise the funds.
Please donate here